ESTABLISHMENT OF SHEIKH HASINA UNIVERSITY, NETRAKONA - LOT 01: Design and Consultancy Service for (1) Feasibility Study, Financial Analysis, EIA...
ESTABLISHMENT OF SHEIKH HASINA UNIVERSITY, NETRAKONA - LOT 01: Design and Consultancy Service for (1) Feasibility Study, Financial Analysis, EIA & IEE Report, (2) Preparation of Digital Topographical Survey & Master Plan with 3D Animation, (3) Land Development, (4) Boundary Wall with Retaining Wall, (5) Installation of Deep Tube Well, Underground Reservoir, Pump House and Water Distribution Line etc., (6) Master Drain, Cannel, Retaining Wall, Guide Wall & Protection Block, (7) Excavation of Internal Lake, (8) Construction of RCC Internal Road, (9) Excavation of Ring Road, (10) Construction of RCC Road for Flood Protection, (11) Construction of RCC Bridge etc.
The regular cabinet meeting held on 30 January 2017 and chaired by the Honorable Prime Minister of the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, agreed in principle to the Acts for the Sheikh Hasina University in Netrakona District. The project will meet up the infrastructural requirements of the university and overall development of academic and other purposes. After completion of the project, Teacher, Office & Staff office room facilities, Class room facilities, Auditorium / Conference room facilities, Male and Female students’ accommodation, Teachers' residential accommodation, and other infrastructures will be created. The project will help create an enabling environment for achieving the overall objectives of the SH University, Netrakona.
- Topographic and hydrological survey including preparation of GIS based map; - Sub-soil investigation; - Preparation of master plan; - Preparation of detailed architectural, structural, electrical, mechanical, water supply & drainage systems design and drawings; - Preparation of environmental impact assessment; - Preparation of social impact assessment; - Preparation of detailed cost estimate, BoQ, tender document and technical specifications; - Construction management and full-time supervision; - Construction monitoring during 12 months maintenance period.